Monday, July 27, 2009

Creating by Brewing Beer!

Just wanted to share some good news. My husband and I entered our Milk Stout Beer in the Ohio State Fair Home Brew competition. We got the results Friday. We got a silver medal in the stout category. There were 26 entries in that category. There were 335 entries in all. That is an all time high for entries.

Not big on tooting my own horn, but we are pretty proud!



  1. Congrats on your silver medal! I don't do beer but out of 355 entries you should be blowing your own horn. In fact, if my son hadn't "lost" (sold, I bet) his trumpet I would be blowing it on your behalf here in Illinois! My husband goes for some weird surgery Aug. 5th having to do with implanting a stimulator inside to stimulate his frenic nerve to help his paralized diaphram. Say a prayer. I'm sure he'll be fine but there's only about a 25% chance it will help his C.O.P.D. bLESSINGS.

  2. Congrats! I love stout beer though ,I limit myself greatly(gotta watch my girlish fig!).
    Love the title of your blog!!!!
    Thx for visiting me,I will be back!
